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10 Questions with Hannah Berry Flowers

1. How did your passion for floristry come about?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve have always had a passion for flowers! The home is never complete without a flower in a room. I have always loved growing them, picking them and making things with them, whether it was creating pressed flower cards (when I was young) daisy chains in the garden, or drawing or painting them. Whilst working as a waitress at a local wedding venue through my uni years, I used to get excited to see the flower scheme arrive for that weekends wedding & I think that may have been where it all began!

2. When did you make the leap to setup HBF & create flowers for gorgeous Wedding Days & what drew you to Weddings in particular?

Floristry was a career change for me … having worked in the television industry previously as a camera operator and editor, I found the job wasn’t fulfilling my creative side enough, so out of curiosity and love for flowers I looked into work experience in a local florist shop.

My work experience soon turned into a full time position. Without any qualifications in floristry, I longed to further my knowledge and learn new technical skills, so I enrolled on a course at Merrist Wood Agricultural college where I studied and gained my Level 3 in Floral Design. This provided me with the skills, technical ability and confidence to work as a freelance florist. For two years I enjoyed working with various inspiring and creative floral designers and from this point, I just knew creating wedding flowers was the career for me. In 2013 HBF was born and I haven’t looked back since.

3. How would you describe your style of floristry?

It took a while for my style to evolve, but I can strongly see now my signature style is natural, earthy and organic for sure! Always lots of detail and texture and many of you will know I often love to add the odd Pheasant feather in!

4. What can couples expect when they choose you to create their dream Wedding Flowers? 

The design process and building a working relationship with each client is the most important part to providing the perfect flower scheme.
Getting to know & understand the clients is crucial, so I always ensure that the design process is thorough. This can also be the most challenging part, as often the clients know little about flowers and it’s my job to take on board and understand their thoughts, ideas and inspiration and turn this vision into a reality.
These lengthy design meetings happen in my studio and I provide bespoke detailed proposals and mood boards throughout the course of meetings.
I never commit to more than 1 wedding a day as I want to provide all my clients with an exclusive service. It will always be myself who delivers the flower scheme alongside my team and we will always be onsite for the day to deliver and install, pin on the buttonholes/corsages and transport all the flowers from the ceremony area to the wedding breakfast room after the ceremony has taken place. We always ensure that every detail, no matter how small, is absolutely perfect before we leave the venue.

5. What do you love most about what you do?

My favourite thing about creating flower schemes is starting with a crips blank piece of paper (normally the year before) and seeing the ideas and creations evolve. Delivering the bespoke flower scheme on the day of the wedding is the cherry on the icing and knowing you have worked hard alongside your clients to develop and create their dream flowers.

6. What top tips & advice do you offer couples along the way?

I am always keen in using seasonal flowers (although most varieties of flowers are available all year round now.) It keeps the designs fresh and the flowers are usually better quality if its the right time of year for them.

7. What floristry trends are you seeing for 2019/2020?

I can see grasses (all different heights and varieties) especially Pampas Grass are going to be very popular next season! Great for me as I love a grass : )

8. What do you love the most about Millbridge Court?

Whats not to love … when you first enter through the front door, I always feel the need to take my muddy boots off as its like walking into a really homely room with the lush pink sofas and the smell of the scented Neom candle burning! Then theres the 2 stunning barns which are a complete blank canvas for decor and styling. I feel this sets the foundations to each unique flower scheme. I often say the views from the outside ceremony space looks as though you are looking through a frame at a stunning oil painting landscape, with the odd cow grazing away. And the hidden bridal cabin (The Hideaway) – simply magical!

9. Outside of creating beautiful Wedding Flowers, what other hobbies/ passions do you have?

Walking Dug (my very naughty Cocker Spaniel) pottering and growing flowers in my flower cutting garden, crocheting, painting and sailing (not that I get much time to do the latter!)

10. What are your three favourite industry professionals/ brands to follow on Instagram?

@local_milk (blogger & creative)

@the_blue_carrot (Florist)

@floretflower (Florist)


Sophia + Owen
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View More: http://razialife.pass.us/kiki-and-lorenzos-wedding
HBF- Styling2
View More: http://razialife.pass.us/kiki-and-lorenzos-wedding
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Terry-Li-Photography-Stephen-Katherine-Wedding-Day-Photo260 copy
Mr Mrs Howlett_Rebecca Searle Photography (490 of 723) copy
Sophia + Owen

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